GERUND OR INFINITIVE you will find all the information related to the use of gerund and infinitive. Have a look at it and do the exercices:


Use of gerund:  Complete the sentences and check your answers

Use of gerund II:  Gap-fill exercice

Gerund after prepositions: Try to learn all these expressions

Gerund used as a subject:  Complete the sentences and check your answers

Infinitive constructions

Infinitive with or without to

Gerund or infinitive

Gerund or infinitive

Infinitive or gerund after verbs

Infinitive or gerund

Test 1 on infinitive or gerund

Test 2 on infinitive or gerund

18 responses »

  1. elena says:

    these exercices are very easy(:

  2. guillermo says:

    we did the exercises and it’s very easy
    iñaki and guille:)

  3. leire e irene fernandez says:

    I think that the exercises are very easy and enjoy

  4. Lucía Díaz says:

    I did the exercises.

  5. Tania and Natalia says:

    We finished all the exercises but some links don´t work. The exercises was a easy.

  6. iñigo palacios says:

    Is an incredible exercices very easy in the exam my mark will is 11.5 jajajaja xd

  7. pabloardoiz says:

    I did all the exercises , I can´t do one of them but the others are very easy

  8. david aguado says:

    Teacher I did the exercices

  9. irene orta says:

    Hi! The exercices are quite easy

  10. Aitana Vicente says:

    Hello! The exercises are easy and enjoy

  11. raquel says:

    the exercices are easy

  12. imanolperez says:

    i have done all of the exercises but some i cannot make

  13. sara usechi says:

    hey, this excercices are very easy and cool(:

  14. imanol perez says:

    i have done all the exercises they are easy but one of them i cannot do it

  15. Nikol Borisova says:

    The second , third and forth links don´t work .

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